ATLANTIC a true story: The italian toys factory that produced all the military figures af all the times closed in the eighties. The original casts were partly bough by an Iraqi entrepreneur who wanted to distribute them in his country. Due to the Kuwait invasion that led to the 1st Gulf War the shipping was stopped at the border and sent back to Milan. From there the casts were sent to Jordan and their traces were then lost. Probably they arrived to destination through cross ways. But the factory was destroyed soon by a bombing, and nothing is left to know of the toy soldiers involved by chance in a real war.
VIDEO The composition improves, escorts, crosses the event with an own musical strategy, and the score becomes a real battle field. The ambient is invaded by thousands of white toy soldiers, few centimeters tall, standing everywhere, ready to challenge in spite of their common provenance, their common uniform, all white, all foes and friends. Two stray cats, homeless, are free to wander in the room, free to play with soldiers. They seem both lovely and cruel. The musical performance chases their feline and disrupting act.
videoloop 12’40”
SOUND Music composed by Gianluca Codeghini with the live participation of Dario Bellini at the “intonarumori” and laptop digitalnoise. The sound produced by the “intonarumori” has been sampled and fractured, enhancing starts and decays, an improper use of the instrument, generating a rhytmyc progression that appears narrative at times. The sound, like a cat’s death rattle, a sound from the belly, generated from the inside, body-soaked, confused with the matter generating itself. Fiercness and sweetness from indifference. Are we sure to hate violence?
1° set_sample and hold / prova a tenere premuto 2° set_turn around / rotazioni 3° set_cut / taglio 4° set_objects 5° set_unheard-of cruelties / crudeltà inaudita 6° set_atlantic realpolitic 7° set_extranoise